Lab Design

Note: As of Janurary 2015, there are two possible locations for the scholars lab. Location 1 is the suite directly to the right of the Library administration building (suite TBD). Location 2 is the old government documents section of the library, to the left of the entrance (suite TBD).

Sketches and Diagrams - Location 1

Draft floor plan for Scholars Lab (Location 1)

Scholars Lab floor plan, blank version

Original floor plan

Scholars Lab photos - before construction

Scholars Lab exterior - before construction
Scholars Lab interior - before construction, looking inward
Scholars Lab interior - before construction, toward doorway

Sketches, Diagrams, and Photos - Location 2 Before Construction and Cleaning

Floorplan of the Lab Location 2
View of new space from library entrance. On the floorplan, this is A0101A. (View is to the right).
View of new space from library entrance. Also A0101A, but view is to the left side. Notice the alcove at the back which leads to another exterior door out of the library.
View of the alcove mentioned in previous picture. The door leads out to UCR's campus. It is currently a fire door but will hopefully be turned into a card-key to allow lab access outside of library hours
View from the back of the lab towards the library entrance.
View of conference room (or what will be the conference room) in the new space. On the floor plan, this is A0101D.
This is a view from inside the new lab space, looking at the door that will lead to the library. The two rooms on the side are the two available offices, A0101C and A0101B on the floorplan.
The new lab space has a small inner office (A0101E) that has its own door to the library. It could be entered without going through the main lab. Possibly Brain Games will go here.
Although this image doesn't really do it justice, there is a small office within the office in the new lab (A101F). There is no external light coming into the office (hence the dark photograph), but the space is much larger than it seems here. This space will be useful for anything lab activities (gaming, viewing, etc) that require light sensitivity.

Digital Technology

SMART Boards

Cinemassive video walls

Cinemassive display, "CURVE Interact Wall" design and planning at Georgia State University Library

CURVE Interact Wall - pics on Pinterest

Wall display at Brown DSL (not by Cinemassive) - tech specs

Teaching & Visualization lab at the Hunt Library


Equipment and Furniture

Steelcase LearnLab

Steelcase media:scape - UCLA YRL "pods" setup & UCLA YRL "flythrough"

Video - Steelcase and Grand Valley State University: The Mary Idema Pew Library

Learning Space Toolkit

Learning Spaces Collaboratory (webinar Sept 16, 2014)