
Articles and Talks

Libraries as Enablers of Pedagogical and Curricular Change - EDUCAUSE - Lippincott, Vedantham, and Duckett

Chartering a Path - Bethany Nowviskie

Digital Humanities in the Anthropocene - Bethany Nowviskie

Making the Connection (Case #5 Digital Studies/Digital Humanities) via NITLE

Information Literacy and Research Practices - Nancy Foster, Ithaka S&R

Hubs and Centers as Transitional Change Strategy for Library Collaboration - Julie Speer et al.

The Differences Between Digital History and Digital Humanities - Stephen Robertson

The Promise of Digital History - JAH "Interchange" discussion

SPEC Kit 326: Digital Humanities - research library experiences with digital scholarship centers or services (ARL - paywall?)

Centers are People - Stephen Ramsay

Centers of Attention - Stephen Ramsay

Digital Humanities in the Antropocene - Bethany Nowviskie

Too Small to Fail - Bethany Nowviskie

Reality Bytes - Bethany Nowviskie

A Skunk in the Library - Bethany Nowviskie

What Ever Happened to Project Bamboo? - Quinn Dombrowski

Does Every Research Library Need a Digital Humanities Center? - Jennifer Schaffner and Ricky Erway, OCLC Research

↳ (response to OCLC report above) Asking for it - Bethany Nowviskie

What are some challenges to doing DH in the library? - Miriam Posner

Digital humanities in the library isn't a service - Trevor Muñoz

What is Digital Scholarship - McMasters University

Digging into Data Using New Collaborative Infrastructures Supporting Humanities-based Computer Science Research - Michael Simeone, et al.

Librarians and Scholars: Partners in Digital Humanities - Laurie Alexander, et al.

When Digital Projects End - Carl Straumsheim

Sustaining the Digital Humanities - Nancy L. Maron and Sarah Pickle

The Digital Scholarship Disconnect (PDF) - Clifford Lynch

In the Shadows of the Digital Humanities - Differences, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2014, Ellen Rooney and Elizabeth Weed eds.

Discourse in the Digital Humanities - Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities, Case Western Reserve University

On Creating a Usable Future (PDF) - Jermoe McGann

An Overview of the Digital Humanities & Library Space Assessment - ARL Research Library Issues, no. 284, 2013

Software, It's a Thing - Matthew Kirschenbaum

Asking Questions and Building a Research Agenda for Digital Scholarship (PDF) - Amy Friedlander

Interview: Heather McCullough, Head of Digital Scholarship at UNC Charlotte (podcast .mp3, 16 minutes)

The University Library as Incubator for Digital Scholarship - Bryan Sinclair

NMC Horizon Report: Library Edition - (PDF link)

Launching the Digital Humanities Movement at Washington and Lee University: A Case Study - Michael Nanfito

A Field Guide to Makerspaces: Library Makerspaces Have a Long History to Pull From, and Lots of Options to Work Towards - George M. Eberhart

Organizing Your Research, Digitally -- Roxanne Shirazi A conversation possibly worth following further.

Trends in Digital Scholarship Centers - Joan Lippincott

Video: No Digital Facelifts: Thinking the Unthinkable About Open Educational Experiences - Gardner Campbell

↳ Blog post discussed in the video above: Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable, by Clay Shirky

CNI: Networks And The Paradox Of The Active Learner from CNI Vimeo Channel.

Bryan Alexander: A Digital Scholarship Scenario from EDUCAUSE.

MIT's Micah Altman on Digital Scholarship from EDUCAUSE.



Matthew K. Gold, ed., Debates in the Digital Humanities, University of Minnesota Press, 2012.
full text online

Peter Lunenfeld, et al., Digital_Humanities, The MIT Press, 2012.
full text online - open access PDF

Brett D. Hirsch, ed., Digital Humanities Pedagogy, Open Book Publishers, 2012.
full text online

Melissa Terras, et al. eds., Defining Digital Humanities: A Reader, Ashgate, 2013.



Journal of Digital Humanities

LLC - Literary and Linguistic Computing

Digital Humanities Now

DHQ - Digital Humanities Quarterly