Articles and Talks
Chartering a Path - Bethany Nowviskie
Digital Humanities in the Anthropocene - Bethany Nowviskie
Making the Connection (Case #5 Digital Studies/Digital Humanities) via NITLE
Information Literacy and Research Practices - Nancy Foster, Ithaka S&R
Hubs and Centers as Transitional Change Strategy for Library Collaboration - Julie Speer et al.
The Differences Between Digital History and Digital Humanities - Stephen Robertson
The Promise of Digital History - JAH "Interchange" discussion
Centers are People - Stephen Ramsay
Centers of Attention - Stephen Ramsay
Digital Humanities in the Antropocene - Bethany Nowviskie
Too Small to Fail - Bethany Nowviskie
Reality Bytes - Bethany Nowviskie
A Skunk in the Library - Bethany Nowviskie
What Ever Happened to Project Bamboo? - Quinn Dombrowski
↳ (response to OCLC report above) Asking for it - Bethany Nowviskie
What are some challenges to doing DH in the library? - Miriam Posner
Digital humanities in the library isn't a service - Trevor Muñoz
What is Digital Scholarship - McMasters University
Librarians and Scholars: Partners in Digital Humanities - Laurie Alexander, et al.
When Digital Projects End - Carl Straumsheim
Sustaining the Digital Humanities - Nancy L. Maron and Sarah Pickle
The Digital Scholarship Disconnect (PDF) - Clifford Lynch
On Creating a Usable Future (PDF) - Jermoe McGann
Software, It's a Thing - Matthew Kirschenbaum
Asking Questions and Building a Research Agenda for Digital Scholarship (PDF) - Amy Friedlander
The University Library as Incubator for Digital Scholarship - Bryan Sinclair
NMC Horizon Report: Library Edition - (PDF link)
Organizing Your Research, Digitally -- Roxanne Shirazi A conversation possibly worth following further.
Trends in Digital Scholarship Centers - Joan Lippincott
Video: No Digital Facelifts: Thinking the Unthinkable About Open Educational Experiences - Gardner Campbell
↳ Blog post discussed in the video above: Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable, by Clay Shirky
CNI: Networks And The Paradox Of The Active Learner from CNI Vimeo Channel.
Bryan Alexander: A Digital Scholarship Scenario from EDUCAUSE.
MIT's Micah Altman on Digital Scholarship from EDUCAUSE.
Matthew K. Gold, ed., Debates in the Digital Humanities, University of Minnesota Press, 2012.
→ full text online
Peter Lunenfeld, et al., Digital_Humanities, The MIT Press, 2012.
→ full text online - open access PDF
Brett D. Hirsch, ed., Digital Humanities Pedagogy, Open Book Publishers, 2012.
→ full text online
Melissa Terras, et al. eds., Defining Digital Humanities: A Reader, Ashgate, 2013.
LLC - Literary and Linguistic Computing
DHQ - Digital Humanities Quarterly